Thursday, February 4, 2010

ROM 826X Windows Mobile 6.5.5 build 23519

Download here: Multiupload

This ROM is UC Capable, please download the UC Package from Sticky for additional applications

Change log:

- OS: Windows Mobile 6.5.5 build 23519 with features:
* Threaded Email
* Office Mobile 2010
- Added Feather themes.


- The X2 Panel Manager's second tab (by default only has two panels) a bit lag if you swipe it, just install more panels and it will more fluently by itself.

Screenshot: (w/ feather themes & UC package installed)



Anto said...

Wah, belum make yg 24001 udah keluar yg baru lagi. tapi penomorannya kok turun bro? bro Williyung memang produktif :)

Williyung said...

Nomornya krn dr branch yg berbeda aja. Tp 23519 build datenya lbh baru bro, n pny feature yg blum ada di 24001

Unknown said...


Why did you switch to build 23519? Any advantages over 24001? Sorry if my question is the same as Anto's!

근군s said...


Williyung said...


Both of them are from different branch, here's more detail (quote from xda):
212xx = AKU1, all builds leading up to and including WM 6.5
213xx = MOT motorola
214xx = ???
215xx = SAM samsung
216xx = HTC htc
217xx = COM1, continuing dev of -
218xx = COM2, continuing dev of
219xx = MD, feature test branch, pretty much dead now. (unstable features are added here, this tree is based on COM1, so older base OS code, but the UI/UX code is newer)
22xxx = SEMC sony ericsson
*230xx = COM3, continuing development
*234xx = COM4, appears to be abandoned.
*235xx = COM5, more GUI changes here.
*236xx = LG Electronics Branch
*24xxx = Possible HTC branch
*280xx, 282xx = WMD. This is a continuation of com3 from 23090. Most of the changes appear to be with IE

- Beside, 23519 has threaded email feature which 24001 doesnt.

- And 23519 build date is newer than 24001

Unknown said...

Thanks, Willi, you are the best. I flash and let you know how it goes!

Arde said...

Why new 23519 don't have Youtube?

Williyung said...


All apps moved to UC Package

Unknown said...

Willi, nearly a perfect ROM as far as I can tell. The backlight bug might still be there, but that's it.

I kind of miss that dark blue theme, but I can probably find it somewhere.

You are the king.

Williyung said...

Hi jimm,

The backlight turn off setting (on batt power) by default is 30 sec, rite? Then did you mean it cant be changed to other values?

apanoladotcom said...

Hi Williyung,

Thanks for your work. Will you release a new version with 23529?

Unknown said...

Yeah, I confirmed that the bug is still there. Under settings>power>advanced>[on battery power][turn off battery if not used for]

It defaults to 10 seconds if the device turns off. In other words, if I change to 30 seconds, then the device shuts off automatically after say 1 minute, when I check the setting again, it will be 10 seconds.

It's probably a WM 6.5.5 bug.

Do you get it too?

Jayson Ragasa said...

Hey nice ROM. But i'm missing some app.

Could you send me the Remote Desktop client?



Williyung said...


Yes, I will


You wrote "turn off battery..", did you mean "turn off backlight.."?
I tried mine, change to any other values, and then checked back again, the value still there.


I've added Remote Desktop Mobile in the Tools & Apps section.

Jongsuk said...

Hi Williyung
i'm from korea
826x rom is best !
very very thank !!
I will cheer for you

Danuwiryo said...

Saya kesulitan download dari rapidshare dan megaupload. Apakah bisa dibantu meletakkan file di indowebster? Tks...

Unknown said...

Yup, I meant "backlight." Anyway, perhaps I'm the only one experiencing that bug, but it's no big deal.

Otherwise, do you think you might cook with 23529? I'm hearing good things about the speed and stability.

Kind regards.

Williyung said...


Weird bout the backlight, do you have auto adjust backlight enable or disabled?

I've been using 23529 for two days, but dont see any different compare to 23519.
But I'll release it as soon as I notice it's stable enough for me.


Sorry bro, ga bs upload lg, coba downloadnya pas siang hari.


I love korea's movies.:)


Unknown said...

I reflashed and the backlight issue is gone. So, officially perfect rom ;)

Maybe had something to do with SPB backup?

Anyway, sorry to bother you with nonexistant problem!

Amor Cbr said...

Lam kenal...semua ROM ini support buat X1i di indonesia ngga...
Thanks Fullll..

Williyung said...

@Amor Cbr

Yg buat rom-nya org Indonesia, pasti support X1i Indo :p

Amor Cbr said...

waahhh..bener2 master X1i neh..thanks banget booss...kalau berkenan ada info baru kirim ke emailku

Anonymous said...

Ďakujem... Richard " Slovakia"

Unknown said...

The backlight problem came back no matter what settings I put in. It's a known WM bug. It might be related to the fact that my phone is tied to an Exchange Server security policy. Here's the XDA thread:

I think I solved it with this fix:

Hope that helps. I hope you are doing well.

Sujeev said...

hi Willi,

thanks for the awesome work, a huge jump when I compare it with WM6.1

I am a noob when it comes to WM stuff, and there are a few issues I would need help with fixing,

1. the panel's are really unstable I had to remove the battery a few times coz it hangs the phone, is there a way to disable panels or is there a fix for this

2. the camera is really slow, If i take a picture in the camera mode I have to wait about 5 secs until the phone actually take the picture

3. in landscape mode when i have the keyboard pulled out how do i disable the on-screen touch keyboard

anyways thanks for the great work ur doing...

Sujeev - Sri Lanka

Williyung said...


I'll look at it


- Have you done of what I recommended in the readme.txt?

- Sometimes panels arent hang, it's just load slowly, try to use X-Panel or Ok button, and if it's really hang, use the stylus to softreset instead of pull battery.
I cant get fix for the X2 panel manager, the real X2 also has many bugs of lag, just hope SE releases new version of it soon.

- Which camera? HTC camera needs good lighting around for the autofocus.

- Just tap the keyb icon

Anonymous said...

When i receive an email with .xls, .doc, .avi etc. attachments, outlook does not open it because of "security policy"
is there any way to change those settings? How?
Thank you!

Ronin said...

hi there.
it's a great ROM but I have some questions:
1.when I hit the X (close) button in an open program in order to close it,it won't.I mean it just minimizes it and when you hit the top right clock(taskmanager)surprisingly you see it as an open program.
2.when you change to Tilewave panel there is no Start button and also when you hit the settings logo and then come back to the panel again,there seems to be a sleek grey bar which is leftover of the settings menu. there a way to change the first boot screen and also when you shut down the device to default?
and at the end:Well Done for that so great job in making this great ROM.

Unknown said...


I can't use the Resco Photo Viewer to attach pictures to an e-mail. Anyone else have this issue? Maybe I'll just use the HTC program instead.


Ronin said...

hi there,
1.time in the Tilewave panel is not showing correctly.
2.when trying to play a video or slideshow the input methode selector icon doesn't go away. it possible to change the landscape startmenu icons to 5 row just like the X2?
is there a way to fix those?
sorry if my questions are stupid!!??

Hahn Lo said...

can i know what is the iconset you used in you rom? thank you

Ronin said...

I am posting my questions again hoping that somebody answers them:
1.The X (Close) button in some programs is not working and tapping it just minimizes them instead of closing.
2.Tilewave panel is not showing the right system clock.
3.some panels (including Tilewave) leaves an sleek bar in the top section of panel after switching from another window.
3.sometimes when trying to work with fullscreen programs (playing video in Media panel) the input selector icon doesn't go away.
hope somebody answers my questions ASAP.

Williyung said...


1. That's WM6.5.X behaviour, we have to wait htc/SE releases new task manager adapted to this WM6.5.X

2. Working fine here. Have you set your regional clock?

3. WM6.5.x position issue since the top taskbar size reduced.

4. Also WM6.5.x issue, you can use fullscreen player inside HTC Albums instead of MXP panel

Williyung said...


Win7/Vista icon set

Anto said...

Bro, yg 23529 kok belum dirilis2? Lagi sibuk sama HD2-nya ya? :)

Erik said...

Hey your ROM is amazing and the UC is wonderful for those like me that are a update freaky.

But I had a question or better a little request, could you upload the X2 dialer that you use in a previous ROM, because I only found one but the Keypad only shows if you click a app in the start menu. Not like the image in your post that show the Keypad icon.

Or maybe another black dialer.

And I don't know if this help, but I found a little issue, if you put a password when the character change to a asterisk it go back one position, but I don't know if a issue of the ROM or the Keyboard (X2 KB).


MyEvo said...

Two tumbs up. Salut buat garapan The Master....
Saya pake ROM ini tiga hari yang lalu. Sampai sekarang masih terpuaskan... hehe.

Pertanyaan: Ada cara buat ganti tampilan awal supaya kembali Sony Ericsson banget gitu..? Yang biru pas install OK juga.
Trus di tempat saya, abis nerima tlp dari yang belum kedaftar di contact, muncul pertanyaan mau di simpan? tapi kok background nya garis2 gitu ya?

Williyung said...

Sorry guys, I'm a bit busy in my regular work, I'll answer your questions in one or two days.



Ronin said...

thanks for your reply,
yes I have set the right regional area both in system and panel but still the time shown on the panel is 30 minutes behind!

Unknown said...

"And I don't know if this help, but I found a little issue, if you put a password when the character change to a asterisk it go back one position, but I don't know if a issue of the ROM or the Keyboard (X2 KB)."

Yep, stopped using the X2 keyboard and it fixed that as well as the SMS keyboard typing lag

Anonymous said...

Ok, first thing first.
Willy, dude, you rule my xperia :)))

Now, the thing that used to bug me: Resco explorer/registry sometimes not fully filling the screen. For people that have same problem:
e-Natives Position Fix for new WM6.5x BUILDS
(google for the XDA link and explanation on how to manually add other troubling apps)

Thanks for your wonderful ROMs and the time you put aside in cooking them.

Williyung said...


"yes I have set the right regional area both in system and panel but still the time shown on the panel is 30 minutes behind!"

Also check the timezone under "Clock & Alarms" setting.
The default is "GMT +7 Bangkok, Hanoi"

Williyung said...


"Pertanyaan: Ada cara buat ganti tampilan awal supaya kembali Sony Ericsson banget gitu..? Yang biru pas install OK juga.
Trus di tempat saya, abis nerima tlp dari yang belum kedaftar di contact, muncul pertanyaan mau di simpan? tapi kok background nya garis2 gitu ya?"

- Mksdnya animated welcome screennya mau ganti ke default spt ROM ori X1 ya? Bisa aja perlu file animated default-nya n rubah registry

- Yg garis2 itu krn dialer-nya uda dihack utk disesuaikan dgn new UI ini, tp fungsi utk add contactsnya tetap bs digunakan

Williyung said...


"But I had a question or better a little request, could you upload the X2 dialer that you use in a previous ROM, because I only found one but the Keypad only shows if you click a app in the start menu. Not like the image in your post that show the Keypad icon"

Here you go:

Williyung said...


"Bro, yg 23529 kok belum dirilis2? Lagi sibuk sama HD2-nya ya? :)"

Hehe..bro org FP ya? nick-nya apa di FP?

Iya bro, belakangan agak sibuk, sekrg uda ada 23534, cm gw lg test buat dgn rom HTC Sense...:p

Ronin said... my last post I meant timezone under Clock & Alarms setting by saying system and yes I have changed it to GMT +3:30 Tehran and have chosen my city (Tabriz)as Home city in panel but still the time is 30 minutes behind.
2.I have a question that you might answer:is e-Natives Position Fix for new WM6.5x BUILDS going to work on this great ROM?if so please give some short istructions.

thanks alot.

Williyung said...


1. Weird, usually it should work if the timezone has set correctly..

2. e_Natives Position Fix can't fix all apps that needed, nor the panels. It just fix a couple of apps such as Resco Explorer, but the latest version of resco explorer need not position fix.
You can use aMeba instead of e-Native, it works better. I posted it some times ago on xda. Here;s is the link:

Anto said...

Hehehe iya bro, tapi cuma pemirsa aja, jarang posting. Nick saya anak singkong :)

Ronin said...

thanks a million for the aMeba!!! it's fantastic when you can just close programs by tapping the X button!!!
I know this may sound crazy for asking so many questions and troubling you (sorry if I'm annoying you!!!) but i'm gonna ask another:can you just kindly check whether or not the Tilewave panel time is correct with the time zone and city I just wrote?and are you going to fix the positioning problem with some panels and Garmin XT in your next release?
thanks for your customer care helpful replies.

Ronin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Manish Sharma said...

Hi Willi,
Great ROM...but i got 2 issues with the ROM. Don't know if it's only me or did you help some one else before already to resolve these issues...

1. From the last 2nights, my X1 loosing power...means when i sleep the battery is around 50-60% but when i wake up in the morning it shows me the battery is low or sometimes just power off itself due to low battery...any solutions?
2. If i reset or power off my device and then power on smtimes it get stuck on the Password screen, it shows password on the top left corner but the Home screen on display. I need to power off and reset again to get it resolved.
Pls help on these 2 issues as i want to keep this ROM on my X1 now...

thanks in advance

Manish Sharma said...

Another issue...if the screen is locked and any call comes in during that time, no caller ID to see who is calling...pls help!!!


Socrates said...

Hi again
its Socrates
i dont have to say again how good is your work.
i have send you a e-mail please take a look

Unknown said...

Willi - it's me again.

When I start the camera, the symbols SIP appears. Weird, eh? Any solution?

Unknown said...

Also, the alarm has failed to go off twice. Yikes, don't wanna get fired! :D

Ronin said...

is it possible for you to publish a version of your ROM with original X2 icons and dialer and no other third party applications like Album or etc...?(like it's a 6.5.5 update from SE)
I think that way would look more promising on the best ROM ever to be introduced!!!

Williyung said...

Sorry for my lately reply guys, I'm very busy these days..


- Did you have any apps which needed data connection running in background such as palringo, etc?

- What password? Did you mean the PIN? Btw, did you do the hardreset after flashing?


- Which camera? Does it solved with softreset? I dont have that issue.
- For the alarm might be the SYS issue, will look at it..


Just a plan, on my next build will have two versions:

- ROM 6.5.X with HTC Sense. Ppl will have choice to use HTC Sense or Titanium (with HTC goodies).

- ROM 6.5.X clean pure (No 3rd party apps, No HTC stuff, remove unused stuff & add some X2 stuff)

Ronin said...

thanks alot,that would be great specially with all icons look exactly like X2 and without slideview.
another question:is it possible to make the today flip animaton in order to reach the panel manager when the X Panel button is hit just like the Spb Mobile Shell that when you hit the left lower icon,does the same?

Williyung said...


"thanks alot,that would be great specially with all icons look exactly like X2 and without slideview.
another question:is it possible to make the today flip animaton in order to reach the panel manager when the X Panel button is hit just like the Spb Mobile Shell that when you hit the left lower icon,does the same?"

- I already did it in my previous build (28008), but now I wont, coz it requires dll patch, n i think it isnt a good idea due the rom stability.

- For the icons, sorry, i wont do that, I dont like X2's icons. I prefer my own icons or native WM icons.

Anonymous said...

Makasih banyak,, Bro willi,, anda benar2 MASTER. di tunggu Gorengan ROM lainnya. Thank's a lot.

XperiaUseR said...

Brother wili

great rom !

just one question. I charged my xperia to 100% battery , put it on standby ( screen light off ). after 4 hrs i came back and battery was only 60% left , no program was running in background and it had no notification on screen.

Its been doing it couple of times.

Any ideas ?

Murányi Miklós said...

Yesterday I put this rom onto my x1.
Maybe this is the best rom i ever tried. I have only one problem with it. when i receive an sms, i canread it on the today screen,but after thet it is deleted or going to be hidden, and i can't read anymore in the inbox.
can sb help what to do?

Unknown said...

Hey, I like your 23519 build so much. I have been using it for 2 weeks now. The only glitch is that I keep getting a bluetooth notification every time I leave my car (hands free) and I cannot turn this notification off. I also like the idea of your UC. The is very smart and handy as it gives the user the freedom to select what he want to install. Keep up the good work and looking forward to the next release of this ROM!

djglenn said...

This rom is amazing!

Have been using for a week, and no SoD issue. Battery also lasts 3 days with Daily usage!

Williyung, love the work.

Unknown said...

Hey Williyung, was wondering if it was possible for me to remove the X2 panelmanager. I would like to assign that button for something else and so would like to disable the panels completely.
I've tried deleting the registry HLKM/Software/SE/Panel, but it won't let me delete the folder so I deleted the contents.
I've also tried deleting the exe from windows using Resco Explorer, but it won't let me.

Williyung said...


Ok, try delete this reg keys too:

Delete "Depend250"
Delete "Launch250"
Delete "Depend65"
Delete "Launch65"

- [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Drivers\BuiltIn\keypad]
Delete ""pm_argument"
delete "pm_classname"
Delete "pm_keycode"
Delete "pm_path"
Delete "pm_wndname"


Please let me know if it works for you.

Unknown said...

Yes thank you Williyung. This is the best rom I've used so far and I've used ALOT of ROMS

Anonymous said...

hai, bro....
i1m zainul....
mksih bnget buat update windows mobile y ....

kmren q mncoba yang wm 6.5 build sense HTC, keren bnget bro..

ditunggu updte terbaruy ya. .
tell me if you have (

good job bro...

Rachel Burr said...

It is extremely nice to see the greatest details presented in an easy and understanding manner. windows mobile 6.5