Friday, December 31, 2010


Happy New Year Everyone !!! All the Best for you..


Map said...

Thanks for all! Happy New Year:)
I'm waitting 826x ROM for x1 :)

Kram said...

Thanks for the wonderful ROMS for the X1.. Happy New Year!!!

massuodkhiabani said...

Tank for ur tray and we are waiting for your great works on x1 .... happy new year...:))

ED said...

happy new year :)
and thank u for ur GREAT roms on the past year

mani said...

HapPy YouR nEw YeAR tO All oF YoU ;)

Steinesia said...

Hepi New year 2011...
Semoga di taon yg baru ini, semangat bro Will ga abis2nya buat bikin ROM yg baru buat Xperia X1...

bisarzamin said...

happy new year...
i need :
ROM 826X WM 6.5.3 build 23120 w/ Sense & SPBMS
but the links didn't work,does any one have a mirror link...
thanks alot!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year WillyYung!

slawolp said...

I also would like wish you Happy New Year!

I apologize if you've answered that question, but whether you plan to cook ROMs with WindowsPhone 7, especially for LG E900?

L3x5 said...

met taun baru prof willy, dan semuanya :D

hihi,, kirain ada rom baru :p

marselinusca said...

met taun baru bro wili... *telat haha.
bro kok jrng ke fp lagi?
fp jadi sepi...

SAM said...

happy new year dear friends...
best wishes...SAM

day said...

happy new year everyone, thnks to all.

Anonymous said...

Happy New year willy and every one... Thank you all for your contributions....Jazzyd1

Unknown said...

happy new year...
Ada sedikit permintaan nih, eh tepatnya permohonan. Minta tolong dibuatin ROM buat Xperia X2 yang yahud dong, soalnya X2 itu hape nya bagus tapi ROM kurang mantab.
angan2 sih pengen X2 pake HTC Sense gitu. Pasti Cihuy tuh hape...

Kristo said...

happy new year Willy and everyone :)
@smile'st : setau aku, X2 blm ada hard-SPL nya, jd tdk mungkin dibuat cooked ROMnya..
pake yg original uda bgs bro.. klo mau sense, di-install aja, ada kok..

Unknown said...

@kristo: ROM X2 yg original terlalu biasa, xperia panel nya gk guna malah bikin lambat, bro...
btw, installer sense dimana dapetnya??

Kristo said...

@smile'st : panel emg jelek bgt.. haha..
eh sori bro, kyknya ak salah liat, installernya sense kyknya gag ada, cuma buat cook..
ato coba cari sndiri di
drpd pake Sense, mending pake SPB mobile shell.. krna Sense bnyk bug-nya kalo dipake di device lain..
ato titanium UI nya dimodif aja, ini aku pake NeoMix titanium, tp tetep pake ROMnya bro Willy..

Anonymous said...

Hmm .... berharap mudah-mudahan ada yang baru di 2011 ini, apalagi kalo bukan ROM terbaru dari Mr. Willy,

Unknown said...

Dear Williyung,

First of all, happy new year to you all!.
Thank you very much for your Rom Willi, I and my girlfriend are using it to full satisfaction. The advantage of this Sense shield is that even my girlfriend is able to handle the phone;)
I think I’ve found one bug. When you edit a contact and press on the (empty)picture on the ‘Edit contact card’ and then press ‘Use camera’, it goes in camcorder modus instead of camera modus. So I’m not able to use the camera from the ‘Edit contact card’. But of course you can work around it…

NB: I have a SoD once a week. But I think it has to do with the tool ActiveGCsync which I’m using to sync two Google calendars.

Keep up the good work!
Regards, Thomas

Anonymous said...

hey all...
wer are u dear willi??Not here for long time!!
I just want to know that why I can't see ur new ROM here:))
I know ur latest ROM works like a charm,But I really enjoy to install ur updates:))
and one Q,IS there any chance to have next release with smiley enabled??
sth like this,But it coz some issues like hanging(Bcoz of poor cpu of X1:D )I just mean ability of showing smileys....


Kristo said...

willy is currently moving to a new kitchen.. wait, friends.. he will release a super ROM !!

Steinesia said...

Udah hmpir 1 bulan, bro willy ga nongol2. Pa mgkn lg nge-cook ya...???
Gw dah mlai bosen nih ma ROM yg gw pake, mau ganti yg lbih fresh lg nih...

L3x5 said...

willy is currently moving to a new kitchen.. wait, friends.. he will release a super ROM !! (y) +1 >> hope dual boot with android ^_^ .
back n still used ROM 826x WM 6.5.3 build 28237 - Sense 2018, really cool,stable n long batt life.

Anonymous said...

Happy new year, still waiting for X1's new, faster, and cool ROM...


Cool ROM. Love it. First time I have used a ROM. So easy.

One defect noticed. SMSes more than 180 characters come as multiple messages!!!!